As a holiday gift to readers and Fredfans, I’m dipping into my exclusive stash of archival Harvey recipes to show you how Fred’s chefs did their foodie celebrating. Here are just a few of the best Fred Harvey Thanksgiving-theme recipes, presented in their original form, as they appear in Harvey chefs’ cookbooks from 1930:

Peel cooked sweet potatoes, slice one-quarter inch thick and brown in hot lard. Alternate in buttered deep dish with slices of pineapple. Cover with maple syrup and bake in oven for a few minutes. Dust with powdered sugar before serving. (Can also substitute sliced banana for pineapple, or use both for Sweet Potatoes Sovereign; can also add walnuts or chestnuts.)

1 lb. cooked sweet potato, 3 eggs, 3/4 cup sugar, 1 pt milk, 2 ozs. melted butter, lemon juice and grated nutmeg. Mix sweet potato pulp with melted butter, beaten egg., sugar and milk. Flavor lightly with nutmeg and lemon juice. Line pie plates with pie dough, fill with prepared mixture, and bake in oven for about 40 min.

Rub peeled fresh cooked sweet potatoe through fine sieve. Season with salt and pepper, combine with egg yolk, form into small round cakes, and fry nice and brown in melted butter.

Singe and clean a baby turkey, stuff with risotto, containing diced
truffles. Place in casserole, season with salt and pepper, cover with
water or chicken stock. Add a few sliced vegetables and a bouquet garni. Slowly poach until tender. Remove, dish up on platter and mask with Albufera sauce. Garnish with crustades filled with mushrooms, diced truffles, cock’s comb, and kidneys, combine with sauce.
Prepare a supreme sauce using the broth from the turkey and reduce. Add meat extract and finish sauce with sweet butter.

Fred Harvey chefs

This article is copyright © 2024 

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